Ambery Hair Oil – Sandal


Ambery Hair oil sandal helps in strengthening the roots of the hair and also helps in nourishing the hair-shafts, promoting the growth of new hairs, and strengthens the current hairs. It helps soften and condition the hairs, and also makes them more manageable. It also helps our hairs and protects us from the damaging effect of the sun and harsh weather. The properties Sandal presents in the oil promote hair growth and makes the hair longer, stronger, and shiner.


Ambery hair oil is an herbal hair tonic to nourish scalp and brain. It checks premature growing of hairs and makes the hair longer, softer, charming and smooth. It is made from high quality of natural, essential oil and effective herbal elements.

Our offered oil is used for several factors behind hair loss such as environmental effects, aging, too much stress, much smoking, lack of nutrients, hormonal imbalance, factors in genes, scalp infections, use of wrong and chemically riched hair products, many medicines and medical problems like thyroid disorder, autoimmune diseases, iron-deficiency anaemia etc. Several other factors could lead to it, including genes, lifestyle, diet and our hair care routine.

For such problems we have created an effective formula which helps in making the hair growth very fastly and frees from hair fall, makes the hair healthy and fit. It also helps in blood clotting and makes the nerves free. There are various kinds of hair problems that affect thousands of people worldwide. Fortunately, there are various types of treatments to treat such types of problems. UNANI system of medicine in particular is proven to be one of the most advantageous treatments for different types of hair problems in recent time. And for such types of hair problems we have organised an excellent formula without any adverse effect. It is available in three varieties namely Amla, Sandal and Gulab in the market at a very feasible cost.


• Cost effective
• Purely based on unani system of medicines
• Unique fragrance
• No side effect
• Availed in varied packaging
• Reasonable prices


Other information

Usage: Pour some AMBERY HAIR OIL into a bowl and for better results warm the oil by placing the bowl in some hot water. The oil should be warm and also comfortable to touch.
Using the pads of your fingers, apply the oil little by little to different parts of your scalp. Also use some of the oil along the length of your hair. Then, using the pads of your fingers, labour the oil onto your scalp, using round motions. Slow, careful movements are relaxing while steady but strong movement helps enhance energy and circulation.

Packaging: 50 ml | 100 ml

Varieties: Amla, Sandal, and Gulab


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